Juliet Vanitharani

Currently Professor Head of Bat Research Laboratory, Sarah Tucker College, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.

Her research interests includes Bat ecology, diversity and conservation in two Biosphere Reserves of Tamil Nadu – the Islands of the Gulf of Mannar and Agsthiyamalai Biosphere Reserves, Study of plant–animal interaction (pollination/seed dispersal) relating to the recovery of lost biodiversity , Processes to support aforestation in southern Western Ghats and in agro forest ecosystems to conserve biodiversity.

She has been involved in research projects on creating Inventory of bat species with an assesssment of their impact on native floral diversity in the Mandapam Group of islands, Gulf of Mannar, Probe into a few endangered floral and faunal species whose survival is dependent on the ‘ecosystem services’ of Latidens salimalii an endangered, endemic fruit bat of Southern Western Ghats India, Investigation of the conservation status of Latidens salimalii (Salim Ali’s Fruit bat) in Southern Western Ghats India, Preliminary survey of plant animal interaction and its impact on the recovery of an insular flora on the Mandapam group of islands, Gulf of Mannar,  Impact assessment of the role of bats, birds, bees, butterflies and beetles as bio-agents (pollinators and seed dispersers) for biodiversity conservation in the southern parts of Tamil Nadu.